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3D Scanning Portfolio
A Sample Of Our Work
A Small Sample Our 3D Scanning Portfolio
Cosworth Gear
Customer Restoration Project
Delorean Custom Seat
Customer Restoration Project including customised seat profile.
Medical Bone Taps
3D Scanning & Reverse Engineering of Orthopedic Bone Tapping Set For The Medical Sector
Outboard Motor Mounting
Machinist Requirement To Confirm Machining Stock
3D Scan of Vehicle Interior
Customer requirement for Customised Modification
Transit Van Internal 3D Scan
Internal Space of Transit Van 3D scanned for customer custom fit out.
Over the years we have scanned parts ranging in size from small gears through to a 9.5 metre HGV chassis & even a complete 10.5 metre helicopter fuselage. Each project must be evaluated in its own right as no two jobs are ever the same.
There are some projects where we only supply stl data from the scan as the customer does their own reverse engineering. However, each reverse engineered project we supply is delivered with a Scan to CAD deviation report highlighting the accuracy of the reproduced CAD Data.
Reach Out To Us
If you’d like to discuss a potential project with us, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Or are you possibly looking for CAD Design Services, then why not take a look at our other website to see how we can help support your project.